Skilled industries, expert knowledge and skills specialised for the market. In the city and the region of Cuxhaven, large sectors of industry are uniting to form a pool of skills and knowledge and enjoying commercial success.
Sustainability pioneer. Not only do the coastal winds of Cuxhaven provide an absolutely infinite source of renewable energy, it also makes sense to make use of the wealth of technological expertise in the area.
Renewable energy
Active relaxation. Tourism is one of the most significant factors for industry in Cuxhaven and its surrounding region.
Deep-water port for Ro-Ro cargo. Thanks to its advantageous position at the confluence of traffic from the North and Baltic Seas, Cuxhaven's maritime industry has always been of great importance.
Maritime industry & logistics
First place in fish processing. The economic region of Cuxhaven now has highly sophisticated superstructure and infrastructure systems at its disposal.
The fishing and food industries
Research & Sustainability. The biotechnology and pharmaceutical technology sectors are both imporant pillars for the economy in Cuxhaven.
Pharmaceutical & Biotechnology
Shaping structural change. The trade industry in Cuxhaven is well-equipped thanks to its retail and local supply centres. The craftsmen in Cuxhaven play a large part in ensure this purchasing power is sustained.
Trade & Craftsmanship
Business Park with Mega-Runway. Only a few locations in Germany can offer this sort of logistical flexibility. Discover boundless opportunities for your business.
Sea-Airport Cuxhaven & Nordholz
Offshore Base. The German Offshore Base in Cuxhaven is one of a kind in Germany. The seaport for seagoing vessels offers modern infrastructure especially for the demands of the offshore industry.
German Offshore Base
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