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Research & Sustainability

Pharmaceutical & Biotechnology

The biotechnology and pharmaceutical technology sectors are both imporant pillars for the economy in Cuxhaven. These industries provide around 1,000 jobs in the region. There are also promising new developments to be seen in sustainable ways of using the sea.

A solid foundation for the region

In Cuxhaven alone, several companies in the biotech and pharmaceutical sector are starting to look into so-called "red biotechnology". They are among the most successful businesses in the sector, investing in research and with connections all over the world thanks to international collaborations.


"Red biotechnology" refers to medical biotech and the potential applications of technology in the health sector (with red representing the colour of blood). The portfolios of pharmaceutical and biotech companies encompasses the manufacture of products for human use in cardiovascular and metabolic medicine, neurology and even dental medicine. The range of possibilities offered by veterinary medicine companies comprises the development and manufacture of vaccines and feed products for rearing animals.


Beyond that, the coastal situation of the region offers a number of interesting prospects for "blue technology". For example, it is expected that the expansion of offshore wind-farms in the North Sea will offer great potential for synergy and create a number of exciting opportunities.

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Jürgen von Ahnen

Agency Director City of Cuxhaven

Tel.: +49 (0) 4721 / 599-716
Mobil: +49 (0) 160 96 37 03 86

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