New paths – New opportunities

Innovation and Technology Transfer

Our commitment: Making current knowledge and the latest technology available to companies so that they can compete in the context of rapidly changing, global markets.

Bringing skills together

Research and development, innovation, technology and digitalisation are all important focus areas in the district of Cuxhaven. If you have questions on any of these matters, e.g. regarding funding or possible collaborations, feel free to contact us. We’ll be glad to help you.


Together with our service provider, the Elbe-Weser Transfer Centre (Transferzentrum Elbe-Weser, TZEW), we will put you in contact with businesses, schools and research institutions, provide you with advice concerning resource and energy efficiency, information and communication technlogy, life sciences, environmental technology, material development, production and processing technologies, property rights and management.


The team at TZEW can help provide inspiration, develop economically viable and realistic business concepts in close collaboration with the client and oversee the implementation of the business plan. In doing so, we aim to find solutions to problems and offer potential for further development and thereby expand the skills and knowledge in the company in the long term.

011 DSCF6628 Bruns

Dipl.-Ing. Ralf Bruns

Coordinating the broadband expansion, Innovation and technology transfer

Tel.: +49 (0) 4721 / 599-621

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